Hooeey has launched a completely new application for internet geeks, who spend a lots of time being on the internet, and want to save and analyze what they browsed.
What is hooeey webprint?
hooeey webprint is a free desktop application, that creates your personal web history library automatically!
What is hooeey webprint Plus?
hooeey webprint Plus is your personal library of selectively uploaded browsed pages on the cloud for
anytime, anywhere access.
What is hooeey webprint Office?
hooeey webprint Office is a centralized on-line space for storing and organizing a company's or group's web browsing assets.
1. Every web page you visit is captured in real time as a screenshot and as searchable full text and archived on your own computer.
2. You can easily store, search, tag and share web pages that you have visited.
3. Even if you delete or erase your browsing history, you will not lose these web pages.
4. Requires NO sign-up. (only hooey webprint basic)
5. It is very useful for users who use multiple computers and/or browsers in the course of their workday. (webprint plus)
6. Install hooeey webprint on each computer that you use and sign up for a hooeey webprint Plus account. (webprint plus)
7. Enterprise software to collate web history of members in a group (webprint office)
8. The centralized library administered by a group manager can be shared, viewed or accessed by multiple team members across various locations. (webprint office)
1. Download hooeey webprint basic (here) with instructions and other details.
2. Signup for hooeey webprint plus (here) with instructions and other details.
3. Signup for hooeey webprint office - Coming Soon.
Trace browser history, trace what children browse on net, trace all browser history
can i tell you something?
i really appreciate what youve posted on my blog,,, but
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its me chaos09
@ Anonymous: Find your reply Here (http://www.itechmine.info/hooeey-webprint-beta/#IDComment114660818)
Also, please try posting your valuable suggestions/queries/questions to iTechMine, as maybe I will delete this blog soon.